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Escape to Goldsmiths Metaverse





Recent Project, 2022

I made my uni into metaverse

VR walkthrough of the virtual world: Goldsmiths Metaverse.

Goldsmiths Metaverse explores the connection between schoolmates that communicate with existing barriers, whether it is culture, language, or time. These barriers challenge the means to connect. This depravity forces us to navigate each other and our perceptions in different ways, creating a universal way to explore the connection. In this piece, I have created avatars for my schoolmates using the collected pictures. This environment can be a tool used to mediate and strike conversations, where you don’t have to fear of being missed out but at the same time give you personal space. Whether to say Goldsmiths Metaverse is an escapism, I prefer to think of it as an experience. It isn’t necessary replace real-life experience, but do things that you normally can’t do. True Goldsmiths' insiders would recognize several Goldsmiths' memes, funny encounters, and famous news that I embedded in the virtual space.

Documentation of the process of making the project

I'm tasked to engage in my environment in new and interesting ways - observing, testing, defining and designing opportunities for escape. In this project, I'm escaping from FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and I have decided to escape to Goldsmiths Metaverse.

Click to view in pdf

Speculative game interface for Goldsmiths Metaverse

The idea of this creative work came from personal experience as I first arrived at Goldsmiths feeling like an outsider. At virtual Goldsmiths, introverts like myself roam freely and fit into the crowd. Using Unity, I designed a potential game interface using Figma and Metahuman by Unreal Engine with identity options for gender and appearance. The notion of fitting in and inclusivity holds dearly to me.

Image textures I created for the avatars and virtual space

(by taking photos of my studio mates and the campus building.)

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